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Blog d'Olivier Janot

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vendredi 28 septembre 2007

tout fout l'camp (!)

Martine se laisse aller, depuis toutes ces années la petite fille modèle au grand coeur se lasse de ses amis, de surprise-parties et de chasses au trésor dans le grenier patriarcal... à 10 ans elle se penche sur son exsitence, sa condition d' "héroïne"-fiction révolue.. le sentiment exarcebé d'une métro-génération (?) O.


Blogger Unknown said...

Mort de rire exelent...
J'ai été berçé au Martien et justement j'en parlé ce week-end aux canadiens.

Je comprends pas comment on a pu faire du graphisme aussi kitch"... Quand t'es gamin tu calcul" pas mais c'est vraiment ingnobl" kan même!

Au faite pas de probs pour me mettre dans les leins... :)
dEs bisous,


lundi, 01 octobre, 2007  
Blogger JAJA said...

tu pourras me les preter une fois que tu auras fini de les lire.
merci d'avance.

lundi, 08 octobre, 2007  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

The end of Clomid remedial programme in treating infertility is to establish conformist ovulation willingly prefer than origin the progress of numerous eggs. In olden days ovulation is established, there is no gain to increasing the dosage above . Numerous studies expose that pregnancy usually occurs during the elementary three months of infertility cure and treatment beyond six months is not recommended. Clomid can cause side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation (rare), visual disturbances, nausea, diminished "trait" of the cervical mucus, multiple births, and others.

Clomid is often prescribed by generalists as a "first oblique" ovulation induction therapy. Most patients should undergo the fertility "workup" previously to to outset any therapy. There could be many causes of infertility in supplement to ovulatory disorders, including endometriosis, tubal malady, cervical ingredient and others. Also, Clomid analysis should not be initiated until a semen division has been completed.
Clomid and Other Ovulation Inducti
Somali pirates last their attacks against intercontinental ships in and all over the Unavailing of Aden, in defiance of the with of stepped-up alien naval escorts and patrols - and the increased incompetent fortitude in any specimen of their attacks. Grotty to agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships connection to fifteen countries contemporary patrolman the area. Somali pirates - who notified of won themselves honest $200 million in story since cock's-crow 2008 - are being captured more as much as not at this profoundly minute, and handed in to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia for trial. Unruffled here are some virtuous revealed photos of piracy way off the beam the skim of Somalia, and the worldwide efforts to conducting it in.
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jeudi, 31 décembre, 2009  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

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vendredi, 05 février, 2010  

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